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Lost Not Found Magazine #3

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  • Catch a glimpse into South Carolina's Kate Barattini (@kbtini) on how surfing is related to the natural world with Southern Charm. Her artistic touch and inner weirdness intertwine to create something unique and mesmerizing. Words by Kate Barattini. Photography by @follyhood - Pg 10.

  • Surfing As Medicine. Leah Dawson (@leahloves) shares insight from influential individuals on how surfing heals the mind and body, as well as how surfing is utilized to deal with issues of femininity and religion. Words by Leah Dawson. Photography by @heidizumbrun, @nick_lavecchia, @instaclamfunk, @coconutcomradery, @ilwadelman, @photokeoki - Pg 22.

  • The Power Of Surfing. With a dream to diversify lineups globally, these strong-minded and strong-hearted women have teamed up to bring awareness of the stigmas about women and the ocean. Words by @surfearnegra @texturedwaves @changingtidesfoundation. Photography by @nick_lavecchia, @jianca_lazarus - Pg 36.

  • Portfolio. An authentic take on island life living, seen through the eyes of surfer/photographer Brooke Berry (@brooklynhawaii). How does she stay grounded in a world of fast-paced social-media chaos? Words and Photography by Brooke Berry - Pg 50.

  • Elegance Gallery. First, take a few sips from your coffee while reading through our features. Then when you get to the gallery, sit back and enjoy a photographic presentation of surfing femininity from across the globe. Words by Keoki Saguibo. Photography by @fellipeditadi, @tommypierucki, @masonrosephoto, @bryannabradleyphotography, @abby.ohh, @jo_savagephotography, @photokeoki, @hisarahlee, @jackie_fiero, @mikeitophoto - Pg 64.

  • In Touch, “Primal Horizon”. Photographer Christa Funk (@instaclamfunk) shares the spiritual benefit of waking up early to take advantage of perfect conditions and good friends, that are willing. Words and Photo by Christa Funk - Pg 82.

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